- Receive quality care in a safe and secure environment by courteous and skilled doctors and staff who respect your privacy, 保密, 和尊严.
- 无论年龄大小,都要得到照顾, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 文化, 国家的起源, 语言, 还有你的文化, 值, 信仰, 尊重个人偏好.
- Receive care regardless of physical or mental disability, 教育, 社会经济地位, 性, 性取向, 以及性别认同或表达.
- Be free from neglect, harassment, misuse, verbal, mental, physical, and 性ual abuse.
- Be free from seclusion or restraints unless needed for safety.
- 让别人听到你的声音,说出你的担忧, 提出申诉或申诉, and receive a response without fear of retaliation.
- Access to available protective and advocacy services.
- Have contact information for reporting a quality-of-care concern to the appropriate State and Federal protection and advocacy services.
- The privacy of your medical information and records, in accordance with state and federal law.
- Receive information in your preferred 语言, including services for visual and/or auditory needs, including interpreter services free of charge.
- Information about advanced directives and how a person of your choice may be designated to make care decisions in the event you are unable to communicate your wishes.
- Have a 家庭成员, friend, and your doctor notified of your admission.
- Take part in making decisions concerning your care including 治疗, 预期的结果, request for second opinion or consultant, the need for additional services while in the hospital or after discharge.
- Information about your current health status, 需要治疗, including information necessary for you or your designee to give informed consent prior to 治疗, 除非有紧急情况.
- 拒绝照顾、治疗或同意.
- Review and inspect your medical record with your caregivers at any time during your stay.
- Receive a copy of your medical records within a reasonable time frame.
- Request and receive a detailed bill for the services you received after discharge.
- Receive discharge instructions and assistance with post discharge medical needs.
- Personal privacy, private conversations.
- Request and have a chaperone present during examinations and 治疗s and during certain intimate examinations and 治疗s.
- An emotional support person with you unless prohibited by policy.
- Be notified if something goes wrong and when there is a change in 治疗 or care.
- Be treated with respect 和尊严 in a setting that promotes health and well-being.
- Know the names and jobs of the people who care for you.
- Have your advance directive or end-of-life care wishes respected, followed and conflicts addressed.
- Receive visitors of your choice to include but not limited to spouse, domestic partner including same 性 partners, 家庭成员, or friend without discrimination unless you are provided with an explanation for safety or medical reasons. 你可以随时拒绝来访者.
- Receive assessment and appropriate 治疗 for your pain.
- 拒绝拍照, 视频, 电影, 录音, or other images of you for purposes other than providing medical care.
- Accept or refuse participation in research and care by students.
You or your representative have the responsibility to:
- Share accurate and complete health and contact information, including your advance directives or living will.
- Ask questions when you do not understand your condition, 治疗, or you do not plan to follow your doctor’s advice.
- Be kind, respectful, and considerate of other patients and hospital property and staff.
- 把贵重物品寄回家.
- Let us know if you have concerns or questions about your 治疗 plan and the need for follow up care.
- Make arrangements for meeting your financial responsibilities, provide accurate health insurance information or payment information for billing purposes.
- Inform staff of ways we can improve services or make your family or visitors feel more welcome.
If you feel these rights have been violated, you want to share a care concern or file a grievance, or if we do not live up to your expectations, please contact our patient advocate at 828.452.8358.
To share a concern with us about the privacy of your health information, please contact our privacy officer at 828.452.8841.
You may also contact any of the following agencies to share a care concern:
Officer of Quality and Patient 安全
One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Ter比赛, IL 60181
Division of 健康 Service Regulation
2711 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-2711
(Within NC: (919) 733-7461 or 1-(800) 624-3004)
Quality concerns for Medicare Beneficiaries – 828.452.8464
Privacy concerns – Office for Civil Rights
Phone: 1-800-368-1019, TDD: 1-800-537-7697.